한국약제학회에서는 Evonik와 Otomed 후원으로 아래와 같이 제3회 제제기술포럼을 개최합니다.
회원 여러분들의 많은 관심과 참여를 부탁드립니다.
1. 일시 : 2018년 5월 17일 (목) 09:00~17:00
2. 장소 : 파티오나인 4층 그레이스홀
(강남구 논현로 742(논현동), 학동역 8번출구 도보 5분)
3. 주최 : 한국약제학회 / 후원 : Evonik, Otomed
4. 참가비 : 무료
5. 사전등록 신청방법 : 2018년 5월 8일(화)까지 첨부의 사전등록신청서를 작성하시어
메일(kspst@kspst2.dmax.kr) 혹은 팩스 (02-554-5378)로 송부 부탁 드립니다.
또는 https://oncare.evonik.com/workshop-program/?id=494 로 접속하시어 인터넷 등록으로 신청하셔도 무방합니다.
6. 프로그램
09:00 a.m. | Registration |
09:30 a.m. | Welcome & Introduction Dae-Duk Kim, Ph.D., President, KSPST |
Morning Session |
Jun-Bom Park, Ph.D., Sahmyook University |
09:40 a.m. | Market trends and needs in oral solid dosage forms Jayden Park (Business Manager) Evonik Healthcare, Korea |
10:00 a.m. | Solubility Enhancement - A Growing Need for Modern Drug Development Tatsuya Ishii (Technical Service) Evonik Healthcare, Japan |
10:45 a.m. | Coffee Break |
11:15 a.m. | Drug Delivery Technologies for Transcellular and Paracellular Bioavailability enhancement Hans Baer (Head Global Drung Delivery Orals) Evonik Healthcare, Germany |
12:00 a.m. | Hot melt extrusion as versatile technology for specific solid dosage form development Veit Zschuppe (Manager Channel Management) Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany |
12:30 p.m. | Lunch & Networking |
Afternoon Session |
Seong Hoon Jeong, Ph.D., Dongguk University |
2:00 p.m. | Advanced Approaches for Colonic Drug Delivery Hans Baer (Head Global Drug Delivery Orals) Evonik Healthcare, Germany |
2:45 p.m. | High Efficiency Equipment Cleaning with Chematic" Cleaners for EUDRAGIT" polymers Dan Dobrez (Executive Vice President) Dober Chemical, USA |
3:15 p.m. | Coffee Break |
3:45 p.m. | Advanced Formulation Development Services by Evonik Hans Baer (Head Global Drug Delivery Orals) Evonik Healthcare, Germany |
4:45 p.m. | Wrap-up |
5:00 p.m. | End of the seminar and time for individual discussions |
7. 첨부
1) 제3회 제제기술포럼 안내문
2) 사전등록신청서