1984: B.S. College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
1986: M.S. Department of Physical Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
1996: Ph.D. Department of Physical Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Sep. 2010- present : Professor, College of Pharmacy, Hanyang University (former dean & haed of research center)
Mar. 2000-Aug. 2010 Assistant professor, Associate professor & Professor, College of Pharmacy, Yeungnam University
Jan. 2006-Dec. 2006 Visiting scholar, College of Pharmacy, Purdue University, USA
Aug. 1998-Dec. 1999 Postdoctoral Fellow of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy Laboratory, College of Pharmacy, Purdue University, USA
Jan. 1998-Aug. 1998 Postdoctoral Fellow of Physical Pharmacy Laboratory, College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University
Mar. 1987-Dec. 1997 : Chief Researcher, Pharmaceutical Development Lab., Dong-Wha Pharm. Co. Ltd., Anyang, Korea.
Drug delivery system: solubilization of poorly water-soluble drugs, nanoparticle, solid dispersion, SMEDDS, sustained release tablet &capsules
Specific dosage form: liquid suppository, wound dressing, fast dissolving tablet, microneedle
- ● 고분자나노입자(polymeric nanoparticles)
난용성 약물을 가용화할 수 있는 여러가지 나노입자 제조 및 평가 기술 보유
- ● 마이크로니들(microneedle)
마이크로니들의 의약품을 서방성 및 속방성을 마음대로 조절할 수 있는 기술 보유
- ● 리포좀/미셀(liposome/micelle)
난용성 약물을 가용화할 수 있는 미셀 및 SEDDS 기술 보유
◆ 개량신약 개발 관련 SCI 논문 (selected from 425 articles)
1. Kim et al., Comparative study between high-pressure homogenisation and Shirasu porous glass membrane technique in sildenafil base-loaded solid SNEDDS: Effects on physicochemical properties and in vivo characteristics, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 592, 120039-120047 (2021).
2. Kim et al., New potential application of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin in solid self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system and solid dispersion, Carbohydrate polymers, 271, 118433-118442 (2021).
3. Kim et al., Comparison of three different aqueous microenvironments for enhancing oral bioavailability of sildenafil: Solid self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system, amorphous microspheres and crystalline microspheres, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 16, 5797–5810 (2021).
4. Yu et al., Novel composite double-layered dressing with improved mechanical properties and wound recovery for thermosensitive drug, Lactobacillus brevis, COMPOSITES PART B- ENGINEERING, 225, 109276-109285 (2021)
5. Kim et al., Impact of carrier hydrophilicity on solid self nano-emulsifying drug delivery system and self nano-emulsifying granule system, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 648, 123578-123588 (2023)
◆ 개량신약 개발 관련 특허 (selected from 48 patents)
1. Han-Gon Choi et al., Irinotecan-loaded dual-reverse thermosensitive hydrogel composition, US 10,172,943B2 (2019.01.08.) & EP 3 202 423 (2019.11.09.).
2. 최한곤 외, 용해도가 개선된 실데나필 유리염기 고체분산체 및 이의 제조방법, 10-2168395 (2020.10.15.).
3. 최한곤 외, 자가나노유화 약물전달시스템을 이용한 타다라필의 경구용 고형제 조성물 및 이의 제조방법, 10-2244717 (2021.04.21.).
4. 최한곤 외, 경구생체이용율이 증가된 주석산을 포함하는 카베디올 함유 고체분산체 및 이의 제조방법, 10-2525298 (2023.04.20)
5. 최한곤 외, 경구 생체 이용률이 증가된 니클로사마이드 함유 고체분산체 및 이의 제조방법, 10-2594715 (2023.10.23.).
한미약품, 보령제약 및 종근당 등 많은 제약회사와 나노파키클/난용성 약무르이 가용화 등 공동연구 수행
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나노입자, 가용화, 마이크로니들