1976-1980 덕성여자대학교 약학대학 , 학사
1980-1082 서울대학교 약학대학, 약제학 전공 , 석사
1985-1990 미국, Rutgers 대학교 약학대학, 약제학 전공 , 박사
2020-2022. 덕성여자대학교 일반대학원장
2013-2015 덕성여자 대학교 약학대학 학장, 약학연구소 소장
1996-2023 덕성여자대학교 약학대학 조교수/부교수/교수
2015~2019 한국약제학회 부회장, 이사, 명예회장
2019 대한약학회, 약제학 분과회 회장
2003- present 식약처 중앙약사 심의의원/ 전문의원
1999- 현재 보건산업진흥원,보건복지부,지식경제부 심의의원
2014~ 2015 한국약학교육협의회 이사
2004- 2005 Visiting Professor, MIT 화공과 Langer Lab., Boston, MA, USA
1990- 1991 Post Doctor, Harvard Medical School, MGH, Boston, MA , USA
1985- 1989 Research Assistant, Rutgers University, CDDRC, 약학대학, USA
- 창상치유, 반흔( scar) 형성 억제 생리활성 소재 연구
- MPC phospholipid polymer
- 기능성 화장품 (피부노화, 미백개선) 개발 및 평가
- 조직공학을 이용한 인공피부 및 wound dressing 재료 개발 및 평가
- ● 반고체(하이드로겔, W/O, O/W)
-생리활성 물질의 피부 흡수, 대사 , 피부조직과의 결합 및 dermal bioavailability 연구
-MPC phospholipid polymer의 피부장벽 개선, skin hydration
-피부세포(Melanocytes, Fibroblast)로의 표적지향성약물전달시스템
- ● 패치(막 제어형, 매트릭스형)
-항고혈압 치료제의 경피흡수 시스템 개발
-TTS 적용가능한 점착제 개발- 피부 자극, 독성 test
- ● 기타 질환 모델
-국소에 적용한 펩타이드성 생리활성 물질의 피부내 안정성 및 상처치유능 연구
- wound healing , scar prevention 연구를 위한 animal model
-생체이용률시험 및 생물학적 동등성시험 평가
- ● 단백질 나노입자(protein nanoparticles)
-Local delivery of CTGF siRNA
- ● 마이크로입자(microparticle)
조직공학을 이용한 인공피부 및 wound dressing 개발 및 평가
-Development of wound dressing with Amniotic Membrane Extract
- ● 마이크로캡슐화(microencapsulation)
-Silver sulfadiazine의 방출제어를 위한 Alginate 미립구의 제조 및 특성 연구
-Preparation of Alginate-Microsphere and Collagen Sponge for Controlled-Release and its application to wound dressing
- ● 세포기반전달체
CTGF siRNA delivery system 개발
반흔 (scar)형성 억제 제형 개발, 평가 - Local silencing of Connective Tissue Growth Factor by siRNA/peptide improves dermal collagen arrangements
▪Stabilization of Lipid Lamellar Bilayer Structure of Stratum Corneum Modulated by Poly (2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine) in Relation to Skin Hydration and Skin Protection. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 18(6), 953-962. 2021
▪ Dose-dependent pro-or anti-scar-preventing responses of freeze-dried amniotic membrane extract in relation to suppression of connective tissue growth factor and α-smooth muscle actin. Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 51(3), 327-336. 2021
▪Effect of palmitoyl-pentapeptide (Pal-KTTKS) on wound contractile process in relation with connective tissue growth factor and smooth muscle actin expression. Tissue Eng Regen Med,14(1):73-80, 2017
▪Inhibition of fibrotic contraction by C-phycocyanin through modulation of CTGF and ɑ-SMA expression, Tissue Eng. Regen. Med.2016;13(1):1-9, 2016.
▪Effect of freeze dried bovine amniotic membrane extract on full thickness wound healing, Arch Pharm Res.36(4);472-478, 2013
▪Optimum Scratch Assay Condition to evaluate Connective Tissue Growth Factor Expression for Anti-Scar Therapy, Arch. Pharm. Res. Vol 35, No.2, 383-388, 2012.
▪Evaluation of biomechanical and histological properties of corrosive chemical burns., J. Pharm. Invest. Vol 42, 165-170, 2012.
▪Preparation of Reproducible and Responsive Scar Model and Histology Analysis, J. Pharm. Invest. 40(1):45-49, 2010.
▪Gravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetric studies on glycerin-induced skin hydration, Arch Pharm Res 30 (11), 1489-1495, 2007.
▪Enhanced dermal delivery with nano particle formulation. Pro. Int. Control.Rel.Bioactive Mat., 33, 336-337, 2006.
▪Reversal of silver sulfadiazine-impaired wound healing by epidermal growth factor, Biomaterials 26 ,4670-4676 (2005)
▪Enhancing dermal matrix regeneration and Biomechanical properties of 2nd degree burn wounds by EGF impregnated collagen sponge dressing, Arch Pharm Res 28,11,1311-1316 (2005)
▪Effect of topically applied silver sulfadiazine on fibroblast cell proliferation and biomechanical properties of the wound, Arch. Pharm. Res. 26, 855-860 (2003).
▪Experimental approach to study the binding property of vitamin E (α-Tocopherol) during hairless mouse skin permeation study. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 49(6)659-663 (2001).
▪Characterization of skin permeation of vitamin C:Evaluation of physico-chemical parameters and differential scanning calorimetry, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 46(1), 174-177(1998)
▪Metabolism of vitamin E during skin permeation, J. Soc. Cosmetic Chemists., 47, 85-95(1996)
▪Evaluation for intrinsic skin permeation of unstable compounds, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 44(8), 1621-1623(1996)
-Solubilization of Amniotic membrane and extraction technology: Pat. No. 10-1187423, 2012, Korea
- Preparation of Chitosan sponge and its application on wound dressing: Pat. No. 10-11-6627, 2012, Korea
-Preparation of solubilized collagen by employing organic solvents: Pat. No. 10-2002-0011381, 2002 Korea
-Development of wound dressing with Amniotic membrane extract
-경피흡수 시스템에 적용 가능한 국소형 점착제의 개발
-항고혈압 치료제의 경피흡수시스템 개발
- ● ㅇ
경피흡수시스템, 피부, MPC phospholipid polymer, 생체이용률, 피부대사, 흡수, 기능성 화장품, 창상치유, 반흔형성, 기계적 강도, CTGF siRNA, EGF, dermal matrix