2023 Annual Meeting and International Conference of the KSPST
2023년 11월 30일(목) ~ 12월 01일(금)
The-K Hotel Seoul, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Dear all KSPST members and participants,
On behalf of the Korean Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology (KSPST), it is my distinct pleasure to extend a warm welcome to the 2023 International Conference of the KSPST, themed "Advanced Bio-Pharmaceutical & Drug Delivery Technologies for Drug Development" held on November 30th and December 1st at the K-Hotel Seoul, Korea.
The KSPST Organizing Committee has dedicated extensive efforts to prepare a conference program covering post-pandemic global innovations and advancements in biopharmaceutics and drug delivery technologies. This program includes two enlightening plenary lectures, an educational session, and ten scientific sessions featuring a remarkable lineup of invited speakers from countries: Spain, USA, Israel, Japan, China, Taiwan, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and Korea.
We believe this conference will afford you a remarkable opportunity to exchange ideas, share the latest research findings, explore industrial trends, and stay updated on regulatory developments in drug development and pharmaceutical technology.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your active participation in this year's KSPST conference and wholeheartedly wish you a truly enriching and enjoyable experience throughout the event.
Sincerely yours,
Kwon-Yeon Weon, Ph. D.
Korean Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology